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100% Pure Ground Premium Black Cumin Seed
Non-GMO, Non-Irradiated, Naturally Gluten Free, Vegan, Halal
What is Black Seed?
The Miracle Herb – helps boost the body’s natural defenses.
For centuries, the Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) herb and oil have been used by millions of people in Asia, Middle East, and Europe to promote health and well-being. Also known as “Black Cumin,” it has been widely studied for its broad range of health benefits and immune system supporting properties.
Black seed is mentioned in the Old Testament in the Book of Isaiah and also in Islamic literature. The Latin botanical name is Nigella sativa. Nigella sativa is a member of the Ranunculacae family.
In Egyptian society, the rich golden oil pressed from the black seed was named “Pharaoh’s Oil.” The people in this civilization used this oil as an external application to nourish the skin. The Pharaoh’s personal physician is said to have carried around a bowl of black seed to aid digestion. The black seed was so treasured that King Tutankhamun chose to be buried with a bottle of it.
How does Black Seed work?
Nigella seed contains a wide range of constituents including saponins, alkaloids and proteins plus the volatile oils, Nigellone and Thymoquinone, which appear to be particularly contributory to black seed’s therapeutic activities. Research has shown that this complex interaction of over 100 components gives black seed tremendous power to support the immune system and strengthen the body’s constitution in a way no single substance has ever been known to accomplish.
This means that black seed is useful against a vast array of complaints from those caused by bacteria or viruses, to common allergies. Black seed has also been used topically for skin conditions, dryness and joint and scalp massage.
The five major components found in Amazing Herbs Black Seed are:
• Nigellin and melanthin - promotes intestinal cleansing
• Sterols - supports secretion throughout the body
• Nigellone and thymoquinone - these two volatile oils have anti-spasmodic and broncho-dilating properties. Additionally, they work as an antihistamine and antioxidant
• Essential fatty acids - rich in supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They regulate metabolism, carry toxins to the skin for elimination, support insulin levels, cholesterol, blood circulation and liver functions.
• Prostaglandin - produces E1 that regulates hormone secretion and blood pressure.
• Analgesic
• Antidiabetic
• Antimicrobial
• Antioxidant
• Hepatoprotective
• Hypoglycaemic
• Renoprotective
• Cancer Protective
Scientific Research on Black Seed:
Since 1959, there have been over 500 peer reviewed studies at international universities and articles published in various journals showing remarkable results supporting some of its traditional uses.
Active Ingredients:
100% Pure Ground Black Cumin Seed (Nigella Sativa). Organically grown in Turkey
Suggested Use:
Adds a bit of peppery zest to foods. Use Black Seed Cumin instead of black pepper. Sprinkle on foods like soups, salads, meat, vegetables or pasta.
For export, wholesale, bulk buying or buying in bulk enquiries please contact our head office.
Phone: 022 370 8818
Email: [email protected]
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